Smart Link Building
There are many nuances and things to know about how the game has changed dramatically in recent years. In fact, if you do not know these things, and go about backlink building the old way, well, you’re in for a rough ride in the search engines.
This post is part 1 of our SEO series, and is about just what constitutes smart link building.. The first thing to discuss is the importance of relevancy. Relevancy is simple, if you sell computer repair services on your website, and service a target market within, say, Indiana. Then you should not have a backlink from a web design blog out of the Czech Republic. (Unless of course they designed your website). Unhealthy link profiles are rampant with this sort of thing, and Google will let you know in your ranking results that they no longer are happy with this kind of thing.
Another example? Okay. Let’s say for the same computer repair website above you also have a link from a PR6 travel and tours website. This looks to Google very suspicious as a purchased link for one. But that aside, it’s just not relevant to your business. So we advise that you avoid this kind of link building at all costs.
So now we know what to avoid. So do we do nothing? Just sit on our laurels waiting for thousands of relevant websites to link to us? Nope, we sure don’t. Instead, we implement a smart link building approach that builds relevant, high quality links in an organic manner. Ok, great. No we know what to do, but where’s the how? Stay tuned for Part 2 to find out!